
In this episode of "The Daily Observations of a Paranoid Negro" We ask the question Who Shrunk Mark Mcquire's Balls? Who's callin' Barack Obama a Negro? And Who never learned anything from Jungle Fever?

Mark Mcgwire's Juicing:

What does Baseballs Mark Mcgwire have in Common with the cast of Jersey Shore? Steroids, The crack of Champions.

In an official statement Today, Baseballs record setting MVP Mark Mcgwire finally confessed to using anabolic steroids, after denying his use of it in a congressional hearing over 4 years ago.

Now I don't know if he'll make the "Baseball Hall of Fame", But he definitely deserves a " people who snitch on themselves for no reason" award. What a dummy.

By the way, how can they NOT tell that he wasn't on Steroids. He was like 50 years old and hitting 70 Home runs? And besides,with all the different testing they do.... you can't tell me he didn't pop at some point. They even kids for steroids...you got that old creepy doctor telling you to cough as he cups your balls with his cold wrinkled hands......and then he told you he loves you. what was that all about? He did that to you too fellas right?? Wasn't he checking to see if your testicles shrunk because of steroids.....right? I know I'm not the only one.

speaking of testicles:


Improveverywhere an improvisional group orchestrated a "No pants subway ride" in New York City today. The Idea, as suggested by the title, was to travel on New York subways with out your your pants but to also act as if nothing was strange about it.

Today in New York it was about 31 degrees, which gave a new meaning to "blue balls", which also created a new term for black dudes "peanut butter" balls.

That's enough about balls.

Obama's trying to Pass....healthcare!

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) During the 2008 Presidential election is quoted as saying that he believed the nation was ready to elect a "light-skinned" black man "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

Alot of people are saying this is racist statement I don't think so. I'm just glad we're gonna finally have some dialogue about skin tone. Think about it Harry Reid Knows that Light Skinned people run the black community. The Secret is out, and we are gonna have to explain the eighties!! Get ready for Light Skinned Congressional Hearings with the Prince and the El Debarges, and Al b' sure.

Jungle Fever:

Last night I saw the movie jungle fever for the first time, and I got to tell you it was a pretty interesting movie. I had to turn it off though, I felt like I didn't have the appropriate amount of blackness to really appreciate it appropriately. I know it's mandatory viewing for negro's but I couldn't take it. But I did learn from the movie however.

I was rather young then, but this is what I gathered about the eighties,

1) it was cool to cheat on your wife, as long as she wasn't white.
2) It was cool to beat up your girlfriend as long as you weren't black.
3) Crackheads did the Cabbage Patched for loose change and was addicted to chocolate

Those of you who has seen it, know exactly what I'm talking about.

Peace out.

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