
In Today's episode, Sarah Palin does fox literally (well maybe not literally), Al Roker should get a pass, and The Pope objects to Avatars and not anuses.

Youtube commentators sings the racist Blues:

Has anyone ever read youtube comments. Youtube Comments have more racist commentary than a Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh lovechild. On every upload with a black person, there's always some commenter who posts a racist serenade....not any new original stuff. The old ones. Racism's greatest hits

such as:

"Go back to africa!"

"You ain't nothin' but a porch monkey"

"a negro, a spaniard, and a Beaner go into a bar..."

and the all time favorite:

"How many african booty scratchers does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

They really let the racism ooze out onto youtube.

But you know what I still don't understand? How is it still possible for a person to be prejudice against an entire race of people? Haven't we had enough examples of how their is dumb people in every race yet?

I can understand you not letting a negro like 50 cent into your country club and you clinch your purse when he comes around...shucks even I might clinch my butt cheeks a little tighter if I was in a room alone with him.

But what about somebody like Al Roker? He is a negro too...How can we just paint a whole race with one big brush? Why would you be racist against someone like Al Roker? The worst he can do is have you wear a poncho on a day when it's 73 degrees and sunny!

You need to thank Al Roker for wanting you to be prepared!

And another observation.....

Avatar? Nope say the Pope:

After the Vatican's newspaper reviewed the movie "Avatar" it shunned it's message about respecting the planet and gave Avatar, The second biggest grossing movie of all time, a bad review.

I wonder how many stars would James Cameron get in a Vatican Review if he Made a movie about a 14 year old boy's magical anus.

Sarah Palin's does Fox News:

Sarah Palin, 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate and Alaskan Governor drop out will be making her first appearance as a Fox News pundit tonight on the O'Riely factor.

This will take political distortion to whole other level. But you know what? I'm going to watch her. It's train Wreck television. And For Some reason I'm just fascinated with blatant bigotry. It's kinda like looking at the sun during a solar eclipse....You know if you stare at it long enough you will go blind, but you don't really believe it happened until you see it for yourself..

And you know what's so crazy no one believes Fox News is a legitimate news station! Not even themselves. I can see Giraldo's smirk behing his handlebar mustache every time he says "Fair and Balanced. That's why they have Pee Wee's Play House with Glenn Beck. I seen this guy douse a man with "Gasoline" and threaten to light him on fire to prove a point.....and the crazy thing is....I don't remember why, but it was Hilarious. Thank You Glenn Beck.

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