There's just too much funny floating around in my head. That might be the reason why I have an odd shaped head. Since Sharing is caring, let's see how long I can keep this stuff up.
Comment an encourage me.
Comment an encourage me.
Lil Wayne:
Recently Lil wayne held a concert in his hometown of NO, LA, which unfortunately may be his last concert before his sentencing in early February for possession of an illegal firearm.
When asked what did he regret most about this whole prison situation, he said, the only regret he has is the decision to tattoo the titles of his hit songs on his body. When asked which song titles. He said "Hot boyz", "Prom Queen" "but I especially regret tattooing "Lollipop" on my lower back. That I see now was a mistake"
Tiger woods:
So Tiger Woods is butt naked on the new cover of Vanity fair lifting dumbbells. It's an old picture... I would say this was a self fulfilling prophecy, only in real life after his wife divorces him and gets the shirt off his back, she's taking the dumbbells too, as well as that cute little skull cap. Roar.
Microsoft Slate PC:
After much talk about Apple coming out with the "ISlate" later this month, a computerized-tablet-like portable computer, Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer unveiled their new slate PC. Which Many people are saying is a cheap knock off of the real thing.
This means the once Mighty, Mighty Microsoft has finally solidified itself as the Autotune of the Computer industry.
Obama: "The Buck stops with me"
New Information surfaced today. It seems that the White House had even more intelligence about a Possible Terrorist attack during the holiday season. In a press conference today, Barack Obama took the blame.
I personally feel sorry for the President, not only did he inherit 2 wars, but now he has to declare another war. A war on enemy testicles.....
but who could see this one coming?
And you know who's the most upset about this failure of intelligence...women. But women can't grasp how off limits Balls are. This actually shows how insane al qaeda is. You see, men don't typically play around with their testicles (in theory). Any man ever kicked in the Scrotum can attest to that. I will never ever commit a suicide bombing, but if I did I would rather put a bomb on my head then wear it in my underwear.
Because if I had the bomb in my underwear, there is still like .011 milliseconds of excruciating pain in the nuts before I die. At least if I had a bomb on my head, I would be dead way before my balls are blown all over strangers in an commercial aircraft.
I'm just sayin'
Lawrence Jarrett.
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